Listen to Taylor Hunt & I chat on his Heartbreak Kids Podcast.

Don’t miss this episode of fellow Ashtanga Teacher and friend Taylor Hunt’s Heartbreak Kids podcast! This was so much fun, Taylor and I shooting the shit, completely raw, honest and authentic as yoga practitioners and teachers and just as people doing our best in the world. Podcast Link Below.

The best and most meaningful conversations are ones with no holds barred, we chat about unexpected life experiences, yoga experiences before and afters and how everything we go thru no matter how unspiritual it seems shapes us into the people we were today.

Heartbreak Kids is a podcast where Taylor explores the meaning of “why” we show up to yoga and how it helps us in our lives. Taylor chats to Ashtanga teachers all around the world you can follow his podcast here:

Taylor Hunt is a devoted practitioner and teacher of Ashtanga Yoga. He makes yearly trips to Mysore, India to study under the guidance of his teacher, R. Sharath Jois. In 2013, Taylor was granted Level 2 Authorization to teach and has had the honor of assisting Sharath on several occasions. Taylor is dedicated to sharing the healing practice with others and providing a community where practitioners can find support in their practice and daily lives. Seeking to preserve the traditional method, Taylor teaches daily Mysore classes at Ashtanga Yoga Columbus and offers workshops around the world. He is also the author of A Way From Darkness and director of the Trini Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to sharing the life-changing practice of Ashtanga with those suffering from addiction. He continues to inspire others through his story of personal transformation and accessible approach to the practice.

To learn more about Taylor’s story and life’s work, please visit,  www.awayfromdarkness.comand

Thank you Taylor for being such a great host, an easy and enjoyable person to talk to and most of all your patience for this girl half way across the world that talks way too much.


Heartbreak Kids podcast with Taylor Hunt S2E53