Posts in Yoga
A Bumpy Yoga Ride

This is a particularly personal article for me. A story I have been hesitant to share publicly for several reasons ranging from anger, humiliation, fear of judgement for divulging what is meant to be private to sheer avoidance. As each year passes I find more reasons to share my story than not, closing in on a decade later, those reasons now far outweigh the self-doubt and need to keep it to myself. As the number of both yoga practitioners and teachers increase across the globe, I believe my experience can be a vital lesson for both.

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The Difference Between a Yoga Shala and a Studio.

Clarity is vital in living a path with minimal resistance. When we know what it is we are looking for, and know where to seek it, confusion and conflict is less likely to happen. To arrive at a restaurant and be disappointed you cant loan any books, or sit down in a math class and be annoyed you can’t paint …. seems like self-destructive behaviour and something easily avoided. Its akin to travelling to a new country and constantly comparing it to how its not done the way it is back home, but that is another blog on its own and I digress. But what happens when the distinction between a restaurant and a library is not so clear?

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